Monday, November 14, 2011

Fleeting moments

I might cry about something, and I might laugh about something. I might become angry over something, and I might become glad over something. All of these emotions last for a few fleeting moments in my mind; I can revisit them if I want to remember, but the thoughts only last for a few moments once again. One of the hardest things in life is revisiting a moment that has never stopped. An itch that doesn't get scratched, a hunger that goes on and never satisfied, a missing piece that is irreplaceable, not found. Longing for something or someone is the never fleeting moment that can only cease to repeat when I am ready to relinquish it to my provider. When I realize it is always going to be hard, and it will always be a part of my mind. I cannot control it, I cannot erase it, I cannot let it go, but I can love it and all it represents to me. I can grow with it to the end. It is a part of my life, and I will be a part of the life it exists in.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hope in the Heart

A longing for something that is almost reachable but just out of reach is the hope that shuffles in and out of life.  Days apart from what is known as hope are what keep the heart alive and pounding.  It doesn't give up on the unknown future because it has hope locked inside.  If it knew the unknown final product of which it hopes for, it would be finished.  Nothing else will ease this hunger, except to keep going and live out its future.  Hope and love do not give up the fight, they contribute to the searching of the heart's desire.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I often wonder what it is that makes a person choose to be different under different circumstances.  I believe regret is one of the things that holds a part of the brain captive in making decisions that will change a person's life.  What is it that regret really does for a person's thought to discover that this decision might cause something a person will regret?  I think it is more important to recognize the regret and to travel backwards to what choices made this regret possible.  Finding out what happened before the decision that a person regrets is more crucial to making a better choice in the future than just focusing on the regret itself.  So also, when focusing on who do I want to be in life, I find it more helpful to focus on who do I not want to be in this life.  If a person can stick to that line of consciousness, I believe they will find the answers they are searching for.  Regrets often come and go, but who a person is in between those circumstances is what makes regret possible and what makes becoming who you don't want to be, who you shouldn't be, possible.